Our database specialists map complex data models in relational databases efficiently and purposefully. Special features of the database system used are used to achieve optimal results in terms of both memory size and efficient searchability.
Years of experience with indexing algorithms and data structures enable our database experts to efficiently catalog even huge amounts of data to deliver results in fractions of a second, even for complex search queries. By statistically analyzing the queries used, we can determine the best strategy for reducing database runtimes, be it index optimization, redesign of database queries or even a combination of these.
The ability to process data already on the database system represents a great time saving, because the data does not have to be transferred to the application logic unfiltered before it can be processed there. Our database experts even represent complex logic within a used database system by means of the language used there.
The principle of internal know-how transfer enables our database specialists to comprehensively analyze and evaluate migration plans and to develop and implement the optimal strategy. Backup concepts and application logic on database level are as much a part of the focus as the optimal mapping in the target system and efficient transfer. We accompany the users through the database change and keep downtimes as low as possible. Where applicable, we even carry out a transfer in the background - unnoticed by the user. The export of data into various target formats is also part of this core competence.